Friday, December 29, 2006


Yey! I just moved up in limits online. This is no huge accomplishment because I started out with $50.00 and started at the .5/.10 table. I needed 300 BB's to move to .10/.20 regularly so I only started needing $10 or 100 BB's from the .5/.10 table. A few hours later and I made it.

I'm going to try to do it the long way, but I may be tempted to jump limits later. I'm fairly confident I could hold my own at the $2/4 tables, I just don't have the bankroll for that right now.

I have to be careful, though. I tend to get in a lot more trouble online than I do in real life. I just don't give people the respect that I would normally. I tend to think they're pulling a move on me more often than I would irl. This is all because I can't look over at the person and try to figure out what they're up to. I didn't realize I used that as much in limit as I do. When something's not there anymore, you definitely start to miss it.

It's not just that. I'm really bad with names, I mean terrible. There are people that I speak to two or three times a day at work (I only work 2 days a week) whom I've worked with for several months and if you asked me, I could not tell you what their names were. Short of being a friend, relative, or someone I speak to on a daily basis, I probably will not remember your name. Now that's fine for live play, I can remember faces just fine. However, it's a problem online. I use reads irl but the main tool I use in Limit is just recognizing betting patterns and remembering how someone plays. I have a hard time online with this because there are no faces, just names and occasionally pictures (which are the only reason I can do anything). I struggle trying to remember that bob29 check-raised his trips, l33tz limped with Queens, Jacko raises with K10o, and deeznutz will raise middle pairs all at the same time. In real life, that all comes naturally, I don't even have to put in the effort for a 9 handed table. Online, I'm lucky to be able to keep track of 3 people at once. This is one of my biggest weaknesses and it's something I have to work on.

Who would have thought being bad with names would hurt your poker game?

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